- Chocolate – especially dark chocolate
- Caffeine
- Onions/Garlic – causes anaemia
- Grapes, raisins and sultanas – causes renal failure
- Avocado
- Macadamia nuts
- Nutmeg
- Highly fatty food e.g. pork/bacon
- Mouldy foods
- Artificial sweeteners e.g. what’s found in Extra Chewing Gum
- Stone fruit
- Asparagus fern
- Lilly’s
- Oleander
- Privet
- Ivy
- Rhubarb leaves
- Wisteria
- Wandering dew
Pesticide Poisons
- Snail baits
- Rat baits
- Fox bait
- Ant and roach baits
Household Poisons
- Compost
- Blood and bone fertilizer
- Aspirin/Paracetamol
- Alcohol
- Illicit Drugs
Animal & Insect Toxins
- Snake bite
- Spider bites
- Bull ants
- Puffer/ toad fish
** If you suspect your pet has eaten any of the poisonous items listed above, please phone us immediately on (08) 8370 3500. for first aid advice.
Please Note: This is not a conclusive list, but is the most common substances our pets can encounter. If any doubt with any chemical or substance you can also seek advice from the poisons information helpline on 131126.